Start: Parking at the entrance to Arantza (272 m). It’s a long and hard route, with some technical parts. There are stone and concrete tracks, dirt and grass paths, hard ascents and technical descents.

First of all, we will descend 1.5 km and we will cross the river of Arrata (150 m). Then, we will take immediately a steep track that goes to the peak of Pagolleta (650 m). From there, we will follow a path that goes across some hills and we will reach the peak of Eskas (750 m). There, we will find a technical descent that will lead to the dam of Domiko (500 m).

Then, we will turn right and follow a track until we arrive to the town of Lesaka (80 m). We will take the main road to get to the Hotel Rural Bereau where we will turn right to follow the train track in the next 13 km. We will arrive to the farmhouse of Auloa in Sunbilla (100 m) and there, we will climb a track that leads to the pass of Bulatsegi (586 m). Finally, we will go down a very steep and technical path until we reach a track from where we will arrive to Arantza.





44,86 km.



1.145 m.